Kartsonis Family Practice Mission:

Our Mission is to provide well-considered patient focused healthcare in a small office setting where patients are treated as individuals. We strive to simplify our workflows to increase patient access and provide the highest quality care to our patients while maintaining a small enough footprint to be able to adapt quickly to the ever changing demands and complexities of health care in 21st century.

Why choose us?

In short, we care.

We provide care in a relaxing setting well suited to satisfying our Mission.
We utilize some of the best technology available today to make your experience a seamless one.
Good health should enrich your life not inconvenience it.

Our Providers

Our providers are well versed in family medicine. Each provider has more than 12 years of experience caring for people in the family medicine setting.

Get to know us

Feel free to browse the site and get to know us. Stop by "The Practice" page to learn more about us.

Cloud-based EMR

We utilize one of the leading, cloud based, electronic medical records. This keeps your personal health information safe, secure, and available.

What we offer

We offer a variety of services to accomodate most needs. This includes flu shots, urgent care, immunizations, work/school/travel exams, and minor ambulatory prodecures.

Guest WiFi

We realize that life does not pause just because you need to visit the doctor. This is why we offer free guest WiFi for all of our visitors. Now you can continue your tasks while waiting to be seen.

Get in touch with us

We love hearing from our patients. Feel free to contact us on the "Contact" page or by calling us.